You’ve Got V-Mail

Pre‐event excitement and post‐event follow‐up are two important aspects to maximizing your Return on Investment. CMS pioneered the use of V‐mails, (Video Emails) to increase conference attendance and post‐event impact. Whether the V‐mail comes from a Hollywood Celebrity such as William Shatner, or your own internal stars,  they drive engagement, increase attendance, enhance the very human side of your organization, and V-Mails get results.

CMS Gets Results

A brief forty-second video invite is sent to each prospective attendee. For those who don’t register within a few weeks, another reminder is sent out - and it recognizes the fact that they’ve not yet signed up. This sometimes humorous, always effective method helps showcase the best reasons to commit to attend.
Then, as attendees register, a V‐Mail “thank you” goes out. One or two updates are also sent as the program approaches. Our experience shows a spike in registration each time one goes out.

After the event, a “Thank you for attending ” expresses your appreciation for their involvement, as well as points them to your website for presentation downloads, etc.

V‐mails get the word out and capture attention. Everyone enjoys getting a message directly from your senior executives.

And, best of all, there are no firewall issues, as the videos are sent as a link.